Hangar complex building at Levashovo airfield, St. Petersburg, Russia
The complex consists of a hangar building and an aircraft maintenance base building attached to the hangar.
The building of the base is newly designed three-storey, attached to the hangar complex building, separated from each other by a fire wall of type I REI 150. In plan the volume is presented in the form of ‘L’ - shaped form with axial dimensions 37x60,5m. Technical and economic indicators of the ATB building:
Building area - 1 645,15 m2
Total area - 4 324,34 m2
Building volume - 18 812,51 m3
Number of storeys -3
The newly designed hangar building is a single-storey, freestanding building. In plan the building is rectangular with dimensions 377,5 x 51,0 m. The height of the hangar block on the top mark of the parapet is 21,5 m. The hangar volume is eight-span, divided into 3 parts: aircraft maintenance hangar and two aircraft parking hangars, separated at ground level by a fire passage. Technical and economic indicators of the hangar building:
Building area - 19,607.35 m2
Total area - 18 478,09 m2
Building volume - 397 278,93 m3
Number of floors - 1.
While working on the project, we used Teamviewer for coordination and Skype for communication. The team of ENECA was very flexible, diligent and client-oriented. Though there were some difficulties with communication and work flow at the beginning, we managed to establish a well-coordinated process afterwards. Work with ENECA was a good alternative to the direct hiring locally. I would recommend working with ENECA as your reliable outsourcing partner.