Biogas complex at the sewage treatment plant, Slonim, Belarus
Development of design and estimate documentation for Biogas complex at the sewage treatment facilities of Slonim city, including development and approval of design and estimate documentation, construction, commissioning.
The functional purpose of the facility is to produce biogas by anaerobic digestion from sewage treatment plant sludge, which is used for combined heat and power generation.
Technological raw materials for biogas production are raw sludge from the treatment plant, excess activated sludge and organic material delivered by road. The organic material is sanitised slaughterhouse waste.
The total digestion capacity is 115 m3/day of substrate with solid content of 3-5.5%.
While working on the project, we used Teamviewer for coordination and Skype for communication. The team of ENECA was very flexible, diligent and client-oriented. Though there were some difficulties with communication and work flow at the beginning, we managed to establish a well-coordinated process afterwards. Work with ENECA was a good alternative to the direct hiring locally. I would recommend working with ENECA as your reliable outsourcing partner.